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Sergei Merjeevski. 01/10/1993.


"An Ode to the sheer grandeur, splendor and power of the natural world." 

Sir David Attenborough. 


Sergei’s life has been spent in profound observation, obsession and awe of wildlife and the natural world. It’s a source of inspiration and truth he’s been drawn to from childhood. A life long fascination and discovery has led him to see the shape of life as an artform.


An obsession with osteology, anatomy and paleontology unlocked the oneness of life, the evolution of species, the diversity of our world and the similarities between animals and us. 


Deadly and charismatic, large predators create stable, healthy, diverse ecosystems, and are ideal ambassadors for their lands. The big cats are iconic, yet their future is imperiled, and their spectacular prehistory remains unknown and unexplored. 


Fascinated and inspired by the deadly majesty of saber-toothed animals, Sergei studied their shape and structure to recreate in detail a diverse and spectacular group of extinct mammals.


As he grew, his art evolved, metal sculpture techniques and tools became the means through which he expressed. 


At the Budapest Museum of Natural History contact with the structures of animals, brought them intimately close and made the environmental issues we face salient and personal. The bones of the jaguar, the tiger and the snow leopard connect us to their world, their evolution, function and interaction with land and people. 


At a time when nature is both most seen and yet most threatened, artistic and accurate expressions of nature, facilitate understanding and forge a connection.

The goal of Sergei’s art is to inspire others to discover nature as a vital element of our world, our society, our mental stability and our collective sanity. 


As a species we may cherish the fauna around us as part of the process that keeps the planet healthy and to navigate towards a future in tune with natural principals and sustainable philosophies. 


Across the real and virtual world, Sergei went hunting and found remains of a long lost world. With a welder, creative obsession and a powerful intuition bringing back and assembled monsters of Earth. Obscure sabretooths and mighty cat beasts, back for us to wonder.


Thank you. 

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